
Key Benefits


Our proposals are for a diverse and inclusive community, with homes for first time buyers, expanding families and downsizers from across Guildford and beyond.

Benefits Diagram Image

New homes

1,730 homes for first time buyers, families and downsizers, and of which 40% will be for affordable rent or purchase

Designed with community

4 Design Review Panels, 7 Community Consultation Events, 15 Community Liaison Group Meetings and over 200 stakeholder meetings

New infrastructure

2 nursery schools, healthcare, mobility hub, bus stops, electric charging and a cafe, two-form entry primary school and space for four-form entry secondary schooling

Improved roads

Delivery and/or funding through s106 contributions towards infrastructure improvements

Sustainable Transport

E-bike hire, car club, bus stops within 200m of every home and a new bus service to key destinations

Biodiversity enhancements

45ha Country Park with new community facilities


Sports pavilion and facilities, pump track for cyclists, walking loops, up to 10km

Environmentally Friendly

No gas on site, highly-insulated zero carbon ready homes, use of solar panels where possible

Community Trust

Delivering the Stewardship and Legacy of this new community -democratically governed

Economic benefits

417 jobs on site and £52.8m resident spend in local shops and services

Former Wisley Airfield Proposals Achieve Building with Nature Award

Taylor Wimpey is delighted to announce that plans for the former Wisley Airfield, Guildford, have been given the Building with Nature Design Award, the UK’s first Green Infrastructure benchmark.

The Building with Nature accreditation recognises the exemplary approach taken by the design team to prioritise Green Infrastructure within the Wisley Airfield development proposals, and reinforces Taylor Wimpey’s commitment to creating thriving new communities where residents can enjoy a healthy, active and sustainable lifestyle.

The plans include 42.5-hectare Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG), strategic parks, interlinked village greens, and 61,000m2 of new woodland and native scrub. These have all been pivotal to the layout of the proposed new neighbourhood which would consist of 1,730 homes, schools, healthcare facilities, sports, shops and other community infrastructure, and which was allocated in the Guildford Local Plan.