
You Said, We Did

Chapter One

We invited the community to have their say on the principles of the masterplan and where core elements of the scheme should go.

You SaidWe Did
A range of densities across the site that respond to the specific locations and help create a variety of characters.The masterplan shows a variety of densities . Highest in the centre of the masterplan with lower density on the edges.
Local Centre to be in the middle of the site.The Local Centre is in the centre of the place with an additional local shop in both the east and west neighbourhoods. The local centre will benefit both new and existing residents who currently have limited local access to amenity offerings.
Preference for school provision in the centre of the site, and connected to the Local Centre.The school provision is in the centre of the site located in the Local Centre making it well connected and accessible to all. Children and guardians can also travel to school on segregated cycle and pedestrian pathways routes along the sustainable transport corridor.
Preference from the community to have the Gypsy and Traveller Pitches site to the West.The Gypsy and Traveller Pitches are to the north west, well located for access to amenity and community uses.
The sports fields to be located on the old hangar areas in the north west of the site.The sport pitches are located to the north west. Further sports pitches will be connected to the school provision. More information of the locations is on the Public Open Space plan.
The most popular community facilities suggestion is for medical provision.We have spoken with local medical practices and the Clinical Commissioning Group. It has been agreed that the new place can include for a medical provision on site.
The community would like to see provisions for tennis, football and cricket to be incorporated into the site.The Public Open Space strategy includes both formal pitch sports and non-pitch sports providing facilities for football and tennis.. This provides accessible and flexible play use across the new place.
Local feedback supported a stewardship or legacy organisation on the site.The stewardship strategy has played a fundamental part on the development of the place and how it can continue to operate once the new residents move into the community.

Chapter Two

We demonstrated how we used their feedback and encouraged comment on more detailed elements of the plans.

You SaidWe Did
Architecture – residents requested brick buildings, in keeping with the local area with a variety of architectural styles and an emphasis on traditional styles.This preference for a variety of styles has been noted. The vignette studies illustrate how the parameters are flexible to respond to a variety of architectural influences during future detailed planning applications.
Residents liked the green links separating the three settlements on site.The masterplan proposal has been amended to reflect this.
The green links to be kept natural with footpaths and cycleways along with community gardens, allotments and natural play areas.The is reflected with the vignette studies, updated masterplan and Public Open Space plan.
Residents requested that the Local Centre includes a small food store, a cafe, a pharmacy/ medical facility, butchers and restaurants or pubs. Residents asked that local and independent businesses were encouraged.A combination of analysis of existing community infrastructure and residents’ feedback for what they would like in the Local Centre has informed the proposals as part of the planning application.
‘Low-density’, residents liked the large number of mature trees and the low density at the edges of the site however, residents were concerned about the noise from traffic of the A3 & M25.The proposed masterplan has been amended to reflect this including noise attenuation. Generally low density are to the edges of the three neighbourhoods aligned with the Chapter 1 Community Consultation preference.
‘Medium-density’, residents liked that cycle routes and footpaths were segregated from the roads and the use of significant landscaping, but were concerned that the roads were too straight and provided too much access for cars.The updated masterplan now shows variance along the primary road, including varying character areas and even pause for play.
‘High-density’ – positive comments about the trees, number of facilities and open space, but concerns involved the prominence of vehicle access.The masterplan includes for a Mobility Hub providing alternative options to travel including bus and bikes. High-density areas will be around the local centre and benefit from door step amenities.
Bus service – residents suggested that the service is frequent and reliable to encourage use, and cheap or free. In addition concerns regarding routes and restricted heights.This has been taken into consideration when forming the bus service proposals identified in the Bus Service Timetable. Furthermore single decker buses are proposed with electric buses to the local railway stations and Cobham.
Concerns regarding the deliverability of the off cycle routes.The cycle route proposals are within the site, in the adopted highway or on existing rights of way. These routes are to a range of appropriate amenity destination and have the support in principle of Surrey County Council appropriate for this level of planning.
In terms of broadband, residents said fast and reliable internet was essential, with plenty of bandwidth to allow for home working.Broadband provision will form part of the Infrastructure Plan to provide flexible home working.
Other facilities could include for more car parking, a village hall, farmers market, library, sports centre and a centre for elderly people.Along with the mapping of existing community infrastructure, and the proposals have evolved to include community buildings, a sports pavilion with formal pitch play, flexible Local Centre square to host seasonal events and potential markets.
A sense of place could be encouraged by involving the community in the naming of the site, planting established trees and through a well-used Village Centre.An initial naming workshop has been held with local stakeholder groups and parish council. Suggested names have been included in this planning application. Further naming suggestions of the neighbourhoods is welcomed. The naming strategy is included in the ‘Cultural Strategy’ with opportunities for the community to input into the place and further naming opportunities.
Solar panels, air source heating and charging points would help create a sustainable development.These have all been included in the sustainability strategy including an innovative Air Source Heat Pump Centre.

Chapter Three

The culmination of the process, showing the masterplan created through continued consultation.

You SaidWe Did
Concerns they had not seen real details of the development, they wanted to be sure on the style and size.The outline planning application is not for the forms of the buildings – it is for the arrangement of areas where buildings might be built.

It is anticipated that a traditional palette including brick, tile hanging and render will be applied. If this outline application is approved, the design of the actual buildings will be subject to future detailed planning applications with future opportunity to comment.

The parameter plans that we seek approval for do allow for this detail to be consulted on during future pre- application discussions.
Residents wanted to be sure the development will not intrude on the AONB and are concerned on the impact of local area.The planting and landscaping will reduce visual impact on the conservation area in Ockham, homes closest to Ockham will be treated sensitively with limited heights and lower density and open space buffers. This accords with feedback from the community in engagement chapters 1 and 2.

When viewed from the AONB, some 6km to the south, the proposed Former Wisley Airfield development forms a minor component within an expansive wooded landscape panorama containing several large conurbations. These distant views of the development will be further broken up by parkland and green corridors.
Approve of the plans for the SANG in theory but worried about it being too small, and questioned if it will only be available for residents.More than half of the site will be accessible open space which includes the SANG and other green open spaces. This will be accessible for new and existing residents to use.

The SANG provision is a bespoke provision agreed with Natural England.
Residents are pleased there are plans for more than just homes, but said there is not enough retail space.The exact number of retail spaces is yet to be defined and will come forward within a local centre delivery plan, post outline planning submission.
Include an on-site doctors’ surgery, secondary school, leisure centre and restaurants.The Clinical Commissioning Group have confirmed they intend to supply a healthcare facility on the site. In terms of a secondary school, we are policy compliant and are consulting with Surrey County Council accordingly and this is shown in the Masterplan.
Worry people will not cycle in the rain.Some residents will continue to cycle at all times of year in all types of weather to all destinations.

The sustainable transport proposals provide options. These include a bus service with bus stops 200m from every Taylor Wimpey home to key destinations and may be a popular alternative option in the winter months and in inclement weather.
Small electric vehicles were suggested as a sustainable alternative to cars or bicycles on site.We are exploring the use of electric vehicles and car clubs.